Thursday, 3 October 2013

Want to know the difference between a Physiotherapist and Chiropractor? PhysioFlex can help

The differences between a Physiotherapist and a Chiropractor?

Physiotherapy and Chiropractic treatments are significantly different. All individuals are different and therefore require varied treatment for each case. Some people prefer to use chiropractic methods where as others prefer Physio, but both have their health benefits.

Physiotherapists are highly focused on joints and muscles and how to better manage these to work together; they are often referred to as ‘Movement Experts’. Physiotherapists are advanced in their knowledge on how the human body moves, building and maintaining strength and rehabilitation from injury or pain. Methods include muscle manipulation, massage and acupuncture, hydrotherapy, reformer Pilates and also individualised exercise prescription to relieve and prevent pain. Significantly. Physiotherapists base most of their treatment plans on proven evidence based research. They use a variety of literature reviews and studies to channel their diagnostic and treatment techniques.

Chiropractors are focused on the structure of the body and disorders of the musculoskeletal system and how it interacts to restore itself from injury. They are commonly known for treating complaints such as back pain, neck pain and headaches and mainly focus on realignment of the spine.

So both Physiotherapy and Chiropractic treatments vary quite a lot. Both methods can be used together but we strongly recommend that if both practitioners are being utilised that you communicate this to receive the best possible results when receiving your treatments.

For further information on Physiotherapy treatments and pain prevention please contact Physio Flex Sports and Health Centre on 55 91 18 16 or online at 

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